
Pontifical Faculty of Theology

Pontifical Institute
of Spirituality

66° Settimana di Spiritualità (9-13 marzo 2025) – Stelle del mare. Con Maria pellegrini di speranza
Stelle del mare. Con Maria pellegrini di speranza «Non è un caso che la pietà popolare continui a invocare la Vergine Santa come Stella maris, un titolo espressivo della speranza certa che nelle burrascose vicende della vita la Madre di Dio viene in nostro aiuto, ci sorregge e ci invita ad...

Monday, December 16, 11:15 a.m.

Monday, December 16, 11:15 a.m.
All Professors, Students and Staff of our Faculty are cordially invited to a meeting on the occasion of the Christmas. The meeting will take place on Monday, December 16 at 11:15 a.m. in Aula 8. Representatives of the various cycles and courses will contact you to coordinate the preparations.

Joint Diploma meeting at the Teresianum

Joint Diploma meeting at the Teresianum
On Saturday 16 November 2024, we hosted more than 30 students at our Faculty participating in the Joint Diploma in ‘Spirituality of Religious Families’. The study day offered an introduction to the charism of Carmel in its biblical, Elysian and Marian roots, a heritage fully embraced and enriched by the...

Photo gallery of 14-15 October

Photo gallery of 14-15 October
The intense days dedicated to the opening of the Academic Year 2024-2025 have come to an end, a beginning marked by moments of high theological reflection and an atmosphere permeated by the spirituality of St. Teresa of Avila, a pivotal figure for our community, after whom our Faculty is named...
Lectio magistralis and Lectio inauguralis by Rowan Williams
We invite you to read the texts of the two speeches delivered by our Doctor Honoris Causa, Rev. Rowan Williams, on the occasion of the Edith Stein Study Day and the Inauguration of the Academic Year 2024/2025. Lectio magistralis: “Edith Stein e l’Imago Trinitatis” (see also English text: Edith Stein...

Download the new Academic Guide in Italian

Download the new Academic Guide in Italian

Online Course in Spiritual Theology

Online Course in Spiritual Theology
Our Certificate in Spiritual Theology focuses on Christian spiritual theology and particularly on Carmelite Spirituality. The first and main goal of the Teresianum Pontifical Theological Faculty, in offering this Certificate, is to offer to a wider English-speaking public the possibility of delving into the spiritual riches of Carmelite spirituality, so...

Academic offer – program presentation

Academic offer – program presentation
The Theological Faculty of St. Teresa and St. John of the Cross (cf. Statute, art. 1) situated in the Teresianum in Rome, was consituted as the International College of the Order of Discalced Carmelites by the Sacred Congregation for Seminaries and Universities for Studies in a Decree published on 16th July 1935...

Notizie e Comunicati

Welcome to Teresianum!

Since 1935 the Order of Discalced Carmelites has promoted the Theological Faculty known as Teresianum, characterizing it with a particular attention to the relationship between theology and Christian spiritual life.

The Faculty offers, in particular, courses of study and research in Theological Anthropology and Spiritual Theology, in the wake of the Carmelite tradition of recognized masters of spiritual life, especially Saints Teresa of Jesus and John of the Cross – to whom the Faculty is dedicated – as well as other exponents of the same Carmelite spiritual tradition.

We invite you to discover our Faculty and its academic offering.


Study at the Teresianum